After I got engaged, one thing led to another and naturally, I started thinking about having kids... oooh yes, I want babies and plenty of them. (It doesn't help that there are four very beautiful children in my life, three of whom are my godchildren!) And of course, I'll want to capture all the moments in their lives, so why not add that to my repertoire? Kids are cute, no matter how you slice it! Crying, screaming, crawling, laughing, sleeping, eating, walking, before they can even open their eyes they're cute! Ooh yeah, I can see it now, I’ll be wearing a name tag at all the kid’s events identifying me as the “Mamarazzi”!! But that’s ok, because someone’s gotta do it!
Anyway, so the first REAL shoot that I did was my friend Becky’s maternity pictures, which honestly, did NOT turn out well. Make no mistake, Becky is a gorgeous woman, and being pregnant only enhances that, but I was (and still am) in major trial and error mode. Something I learned early on in my self-taught course of photography is never to shoot in direct sunlight. It just casts shadows all over the place and there’s NOTHING flattering about that. Then, I was approached for a senior portrait session for one of the neighbor kids.
Buck was kind of hard to get in touch with at first, but eventually his mom tackled him and we dragged him up in the woods and we were able to get some really great shots of him climbing a tree. Buck is a great kid with excellent prospects. He wants to be a logger and eventually open his own tree service. Loggers aren’t exactly hard to come by around here, but ambition in a kid his age certainly is! And this kid can climb a tree! I’m talking like 60’ up in less than 8 seconds! Ok, I didn’t clock him, but he was so quick it blew me away! I heard he did a great job at the Log Show this year, too.
Anyway, here are a couple of the shots I’m really proud of.

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